Mercury in PDB, part 19 (files: 721-760),
PDB 7ca2-7tfw
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Mercury (Hg) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Mercury atoms. PDB files: 721-760 (PDB 7ca2-7tfw).
7ca2 (Hg: 1) - Engineering the Hydrophobic Pocket of Carbonic Anhydrase II
Other atoms:
Zn (1);
7cp6 (Hg: 1) - Crystal Structure of Fqzb
Other atoms:
I (9);
7cyk (Hg: 10) - Crystal Structure of A Second Cysteine-Pair Mutant (V110C-I197C) of A Bacterial Bile Acid Transporter Before Disulfide Bond Formation
7d2w (Hg: 1) - Crystal Structure of Phit/Phista-Like Subfamily PF3D7_1372300 Protein From Plasmodium Falciparum
7dir (Hg: 3) - Structure of PFGRX1 with Mercury
7diw (Hg: 1) - Structure of PFGRX1 in the Intermediate State with Mercury
7edl (Hg: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Bacterial Ribosomal Decoding Site in Complex with G418 and Hg(II)
7edm (Hg: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Eukaryotic Ribosomal Decoding Site in Complex with G418 and Hg(II)
7ek4 (Hg: 6) - Prawn Ferritin to Coordinate with Heavy Metal Ions
Other atoms:
Fe (6);
7ek7 (Hg: 4) - Prawn Ferritin to Coordinate with Heavy Metal Ions
7ntb (Hg: 1) - Crystal Structure of Human Carbonic Anhydrase with A Benzophenone- Derivative
Other atoms:
Zn (1);
7qfk (Hg: 2) - Crystal Structure of S-Layer Protein Slpx From Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Domain II, Co-Crystallization with HGCL2, Mutation SER316CYS (Aa 194-362)
Other atoms:
Br (4);
Cl (2);
7qld (Hg: 2) - Crystal Structure of S-Layer Protein Slpa From Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Domain I, Co-Crystallization with HGCL2, Mutation SER146CYS, (Aa 32-198)
Other atoms:
Cl (4);
7sd6 (Hg: 1) - [T:HG2+:T] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in A Self-Assembling Rhombohedral Lattice
7sd7 (Hg: 1) - [C:HG2+:T] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in A Self-Assembling Rhombohedral Lattice
7sd8 (Hg: 2) - [U:HG2+:U] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in A Self-Assembling Rhombohedral Lattice
7sdi (Hg: 1) - [T:HG2+:U] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in A Self-Assembling Rhombohedral Lattice
7sdw (Hg: 1) - [T:HG2+:Mc] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in A Self-Assembling Rhombohedral Lattice
7sdx (Hg: 1) - [U:HG2+:Mc] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in A Self-Assembling Rhombohedral Lattice
7sdy (Hg: 1) - [C:HG2+:U] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in A Self-Assembling Rhombohedral Lattice
7sdz (Hg: 1) - [Iu:HG2+:S] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in A Self-Assembling Rhombohedral Lattice
Other atoms:
I (1);
7se0 (Hg: 1) - [Iu:HG2+:T] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in A Self-Assembling Rhombohedral Lattice
Other atoms:
I (1);
7se1 (Hg: 1) - [Iu:HG2+:Mc] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in A Self-Assembling Rhombohedral Lattice
Other atoms:
I (1);
7se3 (Hg: 1) - [Iu:HG2+:U] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in A Self-Assembling Rhombohedral Lattice
Other atoms:
I (1);
7se4 (Hg: 1) - [Iu:HG2+:C] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in A Self-Assembling Rhombohedral Lattice
Other atoms:
I (1);
7se5 (Hg: 1) - [Iu:HG2+:Iu] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in A Self-Assembling Rhombohedral Lattice
Other atoms:
I (2);
7sm0 (Hg: 2) - [T:HG2+/HG2+:T--pH 8.5] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in Tensegrity Triangle in Ag+ and HG2+ Solution
7sm1 (Hg: 2) - [T:HG2+/HG2+:T--pH 9] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in Tensegrity Triangle in Ag+ and HG2+ Solution
7sm2 (Hg: 1) - [T:HG2+/Ag+:T--pH 9.5] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in Tensegrity Triangle in Ag+ and HG2+ Solution
Other atoms:
Ag (1);
7sm3 (Hg: 1) - [T:HG2+/Ag+:T--pH 10] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in Tensegrity Triangle in Ag+ and HG2+ Solution
Other atoms:
Ag (1);
7sm4 (Hg: 1) - [T:HG2+/Ag+:T--pH 10.5] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in Tensegrity Triangle in Ag+ and HG2+ Solution
Other atoms:
Ag (1);
7sm6 (Hg: 2) - [U:HG2+/HG2+:U--pH 8.5] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in Tensegrity Triangle in Ag+ and HG2+ Solution
7sm7 (Hg: 1) - [U:HG2+/Ag+:U--pH 9] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in Tensegrity Triangle in Ag+ and HG2+ Solution
Other atoms:
Ag (1);
7sm8 (Hg: 1) - [U:HG2+/Ag+:U--pH 9.5] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in Tensegrity Triangle in Ag+ and HG2+ Solution
Other atoms:
Ag (1);
7sm9 (Hg: 1) - [U:HG2+/Ag+:U--pH 10] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in Tensegrity Triangle in Ag+ and HG2+ Solution
Other atoms:
Ag (1);
7sma (Hg: 1) - [U:HG2+/Ag+:U--pH 10.5] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in Tensegrity Triangle in Ag+ and HG2+ Solution
Other atoms:
Ag (1);
7tft (Hg: 1) - [T:Ag+/HG2+:T--(PH11-PH7; 5S)] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in Tensegrity Triangle Grown at pH 11 and Soaked in pH 7 For 5S
Other atoms:
Ag (1);
7tfu (Hg: 1) - [T:Ag+/HG2+:T--(PH11-PH7; 30S)] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in Tensegrity Triangle Grown at pH 11 and Soaked in pH 7 For 30S
7tfv (Hg: 1) - [T:Ag+/HG2+:T--(PH11-PH7; 60S)] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in Tensegrity Triangle Grown at pH 11 and Soaked in pH 7 For 60S
7tfw (Hg: 1) - [T:Ag+/HG2+:T--(PH11-PH7; 60S)] Metal-Mediated Dna Base Pair in Tensegrity Triangle Grown at pH 11 and Soaked in pH 7 For 60S
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